Dash Away, inspired by the Christmas classic “’Twas the Night Before Christmas,” features Santa’s reindeer ready to take flight around the world, assisted by their delightfully dedicated elves, Santa, and Mrs. Santa. The Patience Brewster Dash Away Reindeer Ornament Set-B is a great way to start your Dash Away collection. It features four of our most popular handmade and hand-painted reindeer that have an abundance of delightful details.
The set include:
Patience Brewster Dash Away Vixen Reindeer Ornament
Patience Brewster Dash Away Donner Reindeer Ornament
Patience Brewster Dash Away Blitzen Reindeer Ornament
Patience Brewster Dash Away Dancer Reindeer Ornament
Patience Brewster Dash Away Comet Reindeer Ornament
Patience Brewster Dash Away Prancer Reindeer Ornament
Patience Brewster Dash Away Cupid Reindeer Ornament
Patience Brewster Dash Away Reindeer Ornament
ORNAMENT SIZE: 3.5" long, 1.5" wide, 7" tall
Display as shown
NOTE: A $75 Oversized package surcharge will apply for international orders due to the size of this display.
We offer free shipping on MOST orders over $95. Items over 4 pounds or that ship in boxes over 12" may be assessed a shipping surcharge, depending on location. We will reach out to you and let you know and you will have the option to cancel the order. Any questions, please ask. Thank you.